Friday, April 24, 2015

Minority Opinion: Gangster Movies are Uninteresting and Trailers are Not Art

I do not much plan on seeing the gangster film Black Mass, as it is a gangster film and I feel as though by saying those words I just watched it in its entirety in my head. The formula is so embedded, from ambiguous charismatic anti hero, to slightly wormy but sympathetic g-man, to rise, to fall, to obligatory ritual comeuppance, that I never have to watch another gangster film again unless it's directed by Martin Scorcese starring Meryl Streep and Whoopie Goldberg in the story of the bloody three decade turf war between Martha Stewart and Oprah Winfrey (co starring Leonardo Dicaprio as Donald Trump and Matt Damon as Dr Phil.)

All that said, the trailer for Black Mass is a masterpiece of the form. 

Let me quailfy: trailers are not art. They are a marketing utility that apes the graces of an actual art form. They are well crafted inconveniences like all advertising. The day people begin buying DVDs of just trailers, or a person gains immortality for their trailer oeuvre, or the Museum of Modern art hosts a weekend detailing and honoring achievement in the history of trailer making, then I will reconsider my position. But even then I will remain dubious, as I am of all Warholian abscesses on public opinion. I will say merely that titilation is not transcendence and not all crafts are art. But the Trailer for Black Mass is very well crafted.

It gives the character, hints of the situation and leaves you with the burgeoning sense of a stimulating experience. All with the benefit and grace on an uncut dialogue scene. Very well crafted

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