Friday, October 24, 2008

Utter Non-Sense

We remain victims of continuity.
The idea that what happens happens, that an experience remains and persists as percieved, once it has ended, is what keeps us tied to identity, life, death, ideas, religion, relationships etc. Our twin senses of history and responsibility are neccesary to be considered sentient and therefore "alive" beyond simple mechanics.
We are sympathetic through memory with our past selves, pressed to unify past experience with current perception for the sake of reassurance of our own continued survival.
Awareness of the past breeds fear of the future. Present perceptions feed the storehouses of the soul and inform our hypothetical decision based progression (i.e. future).
But is that enough?
Where would we get our uncertainty if we could see into the future as we do the pasts. If they were both visible wouldn't both be definable as "the past"? If we could see bi-latteraly out from our vantage point would both sets be equal? Thus making us president over a visible continuum informing our sense of self.
How does that definition differ from the present truth? We veiw an equal set of occurance, president over the continuum informing our sense of self.
Thus, are we omniscient?
"All seeing" is only definable by the confines of "entirety."
Does the fact that we are continuosly discovering more suggest that we cannot see it all?


Kath said...

I took a look at another blog you have, Music of the Spheres. That is a fantastic metaphor, Yorgo. I used Music of the Spheres for many metaphors when I was your age.

Boris said...

Congratulations on your new site yorgo, it looks great!

This is an interesting and thought-provoking article.

It reminds me somewhat of a piece I've written called "Old Habits Die Hard".

You can find it on Gather here:

Max Babi said...

That's a magical site, my breath was knocked out as soon as I saw it, and was wonderstruck by this strange dichotomy of your age and your wisdom. Your pen has a fluidity of a seagull in flight, your words carry a wisdom too heavy to be airborne : but they fly high!
Loved it all and have asked some prescient friends to comment too.

Anonymous said...

Yorgo, this is a beautiful blog when one opens it. Esthetically it is calming, serene and sophisticated.

Stirling Davenport said...

Yorgo, I love this - the first entry especially - and the wonderful photo. I will come here to fuel my insides. Thanks!