Wednesday, October 15, 2008

of Home and God

"And if you can’t get joy from mountains or ocean you might as well go hang yourself." -Quote from source I can't recall

Well, I live in Indiana and that’s the next best thing to suicide.

Hell is considered to be the absence of God’s presence and seriously, have you seen Indiana? God may not be absent but he's at least indefinitely detained. This landscape and population don’t even suggest his disfavor. In reading creation to detect the mind of God, looking to Indiana, God must be a bureaucrat. Still awaiting the proper paperwork to make any definitive decision.

My point is that this world is as close an approximation of hell as it is heaven and I don’t suppose I really fear either.
But maybe I’m soft. Maybe I just haven’t seen the fear and horror this world is capable of. But neither have I known the depth of its ecstasies. For as long as my template is predominantly boredom I suppose my imagination will consist similarly.

1 comment:

John Walter said...

Maybe Indiana´s sheer fly over flatness provides you with an unbelievably rich ´tabula rasa´of sensory deprivation which has made you the astonishing young writer and mind-pearl penseé dropper that I´ve anecdotally noted elsewhere you´ve ultimately grown into.

Yorgo, dude! Gertrude Stein was from Oakland, which she described dismissively as, ¨There is not there THERE.¨ Leveling words, to be sure, but look what a key 20th Century writer and salonist she became! Maybe your God forced you onto Indiana´s blasted flat and ignorant plain for a reason, my young ingenious friend.
And maybe places like Bloomington and Indianapolis look like dragons of the quotidian, but are just waiting to be turned into beautiful princesses (to completely mutilate Rilke´s line from Letters To A Young Poet.
Personally, I love Oakland. It´s got the best climate in the US, the best view of the US´s most beautiful city, San Francisco, and its turned into a jazzy, snazzy multiculturally mixed place of hope and cultural hoedown.

I´ll be back to read more of Lucky´s metaphysical tourism, no doubt about it!
Now get out and vote and turn Indiana frigging blue!